Learn more about the job search and hiring processes for full-time teachers
Early Match
Early Commitment
Searching for Schools
- Video Tutorial: Searching for Vacancies in the New Teacher Finder (NTF)
- Searching for positions in the New Teacher Finder
- How do people get hired?
- Who is a peer recruiter?
- How can I prepare for my job search?
- What is a DBN (District Borough Number)?
Information Sessions
Hiring Needs
Cover Letters and Resumes
Interviews and Demo Lessons
- Additional Resources for Teacher Interview Preparation
- Who will I interact with during the hiring process?
- How should I prepare for an interview?
- Sample Interview Questions
- Does NYC Public Schools provide reimbursement for travel expenses related to attending an interview?
- Should I follow up after my interview?
Responding to Job Offers
- Frequently Asked Questions about Brazen Virtual Networking Events
- How do I use the New Teacher Finder (NTF)?
- How do I prepare for a virtual networking event?
- What should I include when emailing a principal or hiring manager?
- The principal is not responding to my email, what can I do?
- I am not actively looking for a position for September, will there be positions available after then? How can I stay in the New Teacher Finder?