As you are searching for schools, you might be curious to better understand the population of students receiving special education services or to understand the breakdown of English Language Learners at a particular school.
You can access the school quality guide here and follow these simple steps to help better understand the school's population below:
(1) Type in the name of the school that you are looking for in the search bar.
(2) Student and population characteristics should already be highlighted by default, but if not, it is the first tab.
(3) You can then expand the section on Students with Disabilities, and you will be able to see the types of settings each school has for students with disabilities. This is helpful in your search if you are particularly interested in teaching in an Integrated Co-Teaching setting, Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETTS), or Special Class setting. You can see if the school you are interested in currently has the setting in which you would feel most excited to teach, and also estimate the number of teachers that might work in that setting.
4) You can also expand the section on English Language Learners and determine the percentage and number of students who are categorized as entering or beginning ELLs, emerging or low intermediate ELLs, transitioning or intermediate ELLs, or expanding or advanced ELLs.