Salary Step Overview
A salary step is an incremental increase in salary based on qualifying professional experience and longevity. Salary steps are listed in the left column of the salary schedule.
As a NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) teacher, you will move up two salary steps per year of satisfactory NYCPS service. As a new hire, you may also be able to move up salary steps based on previous work experience. You will need to submit a salary step application in the Salary Application System within 6 months of beginning teaching at NYCPS to provide the Office of Salary Services with information about your previous teaching experience. Upon review, the Office of Salary Services will notify you of your salary step. First-time teachers with no previous teaching experience also need to submit a salary step application and will remain on step 1A.
In addition to salary steps, there are longevity increases for 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, and 22 years of service at NYCPS. The additional amounts are listed at the bottom of the salary schedule, as well as integrated throughout the schedule beginning with 6A + L5, which is the salary step for teachers with 5 years of teaching experience at NYCPS and 6 years of overall teaching experience. The increase is issued when an individual completes the indicated number of years. With salary steps and longevity increases, you’ll earn more money the longer you teach at NYCPS.
How can I receive credit for my previous work experience?
All newly hired teachers must apply for salary steps via the NYCPS Salary Application System after being hired (even if you do not have previous teaching experience). Please be advised that the work experience that you included in your NYC Online Teacher Application will not automatically be submitted to the Salary Application System. You will not be able to use the Salary Application System until you are hired, and NYCPS is not able to tell you what salary step you are eligible for before you begin teaching.
As noted above, the Office of Salary Services will evaluate your previous work experience and will make a determination about your salary step accordingly. Note that new teachers can receive credit for up to 7.5 years of previous work experience, bringing you to step 8B. If you do not apply for and qualify for salary steps, the base salary will remain your salary. See here and here for additional details about what previous work experience does and does not qualify for additional salary steps.
Visit the UFT salary step webpage for additional guidance and support.